Azaleas x Verloop x JiuJie Holiday Pop Up Event

All week we will be showcasing gift items from our fave textile and knit designers Verloop and Jiu Jie. Find nifty doggy sweaters and colorful rugs from Verloop or whimsical ornaments and hefty knot cushions (think body pillows) from Jiu Jie.


Pup Up Day
Saturday, Dec 2nd

10% of all proceeds from this day go to Korean K9 Rescue. KK9R is a volunteer-driven No-Kill dog rescue organization based in Queens, New York. For more info about the organization, go here

Puppy Sweaters ALL DAY
Eye-catching doggie sweaters made in the softest yarns by our fave knit designer Verloop make for perfect gifts for your fave lil best friend.  We even have some matching hats for you! For the Holiday Pup Up Store, we added more of their collection like fuzzy (faux!) sheepskins and festive wine bottle sleeves which will add joy to that special human in your life. 

Pet Portraits 2-4 PM

by Anjali Kamat @anjisdoodles 
  • Bring your pet or a picture of your pet for a keepsake portrait. All proceeds from the portraits go to KK9R. 
  • Puppy treats from Whiskers Holistic Pet Care. Adult treats will also be available!
  • Reserve your portrait spot by clicking here.  

Meet the Maker 4-6 PM

Hug a pillow and meet Jeanette Reza, creator/owner of Jiu Jie knot cushions. Jiu Jie will also be donating a portion of sales to KK9R. 

  • free Jiu Jie tote bag with purchase
  • exclusive holiday ornaments made right here in the East Village!


Rescued!  Hinsoona + Daegu

Hinsoona was once a feral dog protecting her [7] puppies on the streets of Jejudo but fell into the lap of safety through her fame on The and the amazing grace of KK9R. And then two years later - she gained further strength through her support companion Daegu (another KK9R rescue) to calm her legacy anxiety. Together they are matching pair of fluffy blondness. They live happily now in Tribeca and play endlessly together.

Rescued!  Gunner

Here's our friend Dr. Frances Sariya with Gunner, also a KK9R rescue. Frances will cook a mean meal then hit you with the most gorgeous flower arrangements. Gunner likes long hikes and demands Sunday cuddles.